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Capacity Building in agriculture: we are committed to improve sustainable agriculture and food, creating cooperatives in local communities with the help of community volunteers. We educate communities about a better use of land, energy conservation and people because these three constitute resources that enable us to put food at our tables.

Capacity Building in health: In many developing countries, children and women die because they lack access to primary medical care. People walk 40 to 45 miles in rural areas to purchase just aspirins due to lack infrastructures. Roads have not been operational for many years. Their communities cannot be easily accessed by vehicles. When we opened a clinic in rural area of Lukala, Bas-Congo, DRC in June 2013, we had to leave the jeeps 15 miles away of our destination and walked for 3 hours to reach the clinic due to be inaugurated that day. The inauguration was scheduled for 11:00 AM, but was postponed to 5:00 PM.

Likewise, the population in Indian reserve faces similar disasters: lack of clean water, adequate health clinics, and lack of infrastructures to sustain their basic needs.

Capacity Building in education: the education remains the foundation of human development and dignity. Without education, success and hope rest unachievable. The education is the root of civilization. Not every individual can do research. A college diploma does not necessarily guarantee a better job or a better future. We prepare communities by providing them with ignored skills that can make them entrepreneurs. We invest in technical skills and through our experts; provide our constituents with the tools to achieve success according to their aptitudes. Training remains the key to attain higher goals.

Capacity building in social change: We thrive to transform our communities by working on projects according their own needs and realities. Our communities remain our most powerful stakeholders, because they know better their needs. What they want is to bring in architects to build their lives.

Capacity Building in culture conservation: we accommodate diversity and work profoundly to understand cultural diversity requirements and respect them. We include all cultures by creating equilibrium in our services.

Capacity Building in Protection of Children’ rights and needs. Children rest the foundation for communities’ future. Helping children means building strong families to meet current needs and prepare them for the future. Children can only have voices through strong advocacy. We are one of these advocates who tirelessly empower them by meetings their daily needs from providing them with food, shelter, education, health care, scholarships, etc. We create a better environment where they can unite and live in their families and maintain the ties. Wherever and whenever conditions are not met to conserve this environment, we find alternatives so that no child can be left behind without finding caring and responsible individuals to care for them. We encourage adoption or foster care where differences between biological parents and their children cannot reconcile their differences. We find safer homes. No child should suffer abuse or neglect. We assist children soldiers regain their normal childhood benefits. Children should not be victims of warlord recruitment nor should they be forced to work in the mines or be exploited in any ways. We provide a safe haven for them and work diligently with countries’ leaders in war torn countries.

Capacity Building in Environmental Protection: create an environment for clean water and hygiene structures that will prevent diseases such as malaria, typhoid, tuberculosis, etc.

Capacity Building in Microcredits: empower women to engage in small businesses and become entrepreneur. Provide funding to unemployed college graduates to engage in communities’ projects and exercise leadership in their communities while benefiting from livable wages. We provide financial assistance to also empower men willing to succeed in their careers by providing job training, equipment, helping with their resumes to enter work force.